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Logfile to analyze Update problems

Last change: Feb 13, 2018

If the update manager reports an error, we usually need a log file to help you solve the problem. Please send this log file as an attachment by e-mail to for analysis.

There are two possible log files. Which log file is created for you, depends on when the error occurs:

  • The Update Manager reports an error while checking for updates or installing the updates.

In this case, the update manager sets subfolders in the system directory of the software where the folder name is formed as a combination of current date and time (for example, 20171130-150305.638). Each of these subdirectories contains a file named 'update.log' .

  • The update manager even reports an error before.

If you have already installed update revision 48 or higher (update manager with a revision number greater than or equal to 1.2r39) a temporary log file is generated when the Update Manager starts. This log file can be found in the system directory of the software, the name is 'update.log', too.

Note: Under certain circumstances, the Update Manager deletes the log files on exit. Therefore, leave the error message on the screen until you find and send the file.

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